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of Malta, Montana, has written articles for 1 periodical.

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Candace E. Salima
Candace was born into a military family stationed on Coronado Island off the coast of San Diego, California; a family of 4th and 5th generation Coloradans rich with educators, artists, and musicians, most of whom made their living as farmers and ranchers. In the course of her life, Candace has been an author, a reporter, a writer of health booklets, a screenwriter, and a teacher. Her philosophy in life is simple . . . everything can be turned into a good story. Hence her nine day rafting trip down the Colorado River, hiking the Rockies, or horseback riding in the northern Wyoming Grand Teton mountains. A love of BYU football, basketball, swimming, movies, plays, concerts and socializing with family and friends rounds out her life. All this, and she still prefers to be curled up on her couch with a good book, a cup of hot chocolate and a blustery Winnie-the-Pooh day brewing outside.
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