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is the author of 2 books.

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LDS Authors

Lorraine Indermill Quillon
2803 Pleasantview Lane
Charlottesville, Virginia
United States of America
For some reason, my English teachers must have had a powerful effect on my education. Although the concept of diagramming sentences eludes me to this day, I have developed highly refined grammar skills. For example, split infinitives drive me crazy, as does the improper use of "everyday." I subconsciously proofread even the books I am reading for pleasure. This sensitivity is apparently being passed down to my children as they are sometimes known among their friends as grammar police.

Born and raised in Colorado, I spent my pre-marriage years in Utah, California, France (as a missionary), and Maryland. Graduated from Brigham Young University in 1969 and then worked as a secretary in a variety of settings. Have run a home-based word processing business since 1977 in addition to raising five children.

I am passionate about family history and encourage everyone to write at least a short personal history to pass down to future generations. (How I wish my own third-great-grandfather had done that!) Family histories are even better. It is critical that we record this information before it is lost.

I believe literature has the power to shape society and hope that the Latter-day Saint community can use this means to reach a greater number of people. I would love to help make those efforts as technically perfect as they can be so that the Spirit can be transferred unimpeded by minor errors.

Please note: 500 Brickwall Solutions contribution was one article, not entire book!

0788440780Will Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio, Vols. D, E, and F(1827-1839) (Paperback)
0788445545Deed Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio, Volume D, E, and F (1811-1817)
1585495859Will Abstracts, Belmont County, Ohio, Vols. A, B, and C (1810-1827) (Paperback)
1585496235Deed Abstracts, Belmont County, Ohio: Volumes A, B, C (1800-1811) (Paperback)
1888265396Deed Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio (1817-1820) (Paperback)
0973130318500 Brickwall Solutions to Genealogy Problems (Paperback)
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Family History Magazine